Chinese University

Moutai Institute



Moutai Institute, located in Renhuai, Guizhou Province, China, is a prestigious institution of higher education known for its dedication to the study of Chinese liquor culture, distillation techniques, and the promotion of responsible alcohol consumption. Established in 1987, Moutai Institute has grown into a leading institute in the region, offering specialized programs and courses in liquor production, quality control, and marketing. The institute attracts talented students and distinguished faculty from across the nation and abroad who are passionate about the rich history and craftsmanship of Chinese liquor. With its commitment to education, research, and cultural preservation, Moutai Institute has established itself as a key player in the field of liquor studies.

Founding History

Moutai Institute can trace its roots back to the establishment of the Guizhou Moutai Research Institute in 1987. The institute was created to study and preserve the traditional techniques of Moutai liquor production, which has a history spanning centuries. Over time, the institute expanded its academic offerings and evolved into a comprehensive institution, eventually becoming Moutai Institute. Throughout its history, the institute has played a significant role in advancing the study of Chinese liquor culture, promoting responsible alcohol consumption, and contributing to the development of the region’s liquor industry. It has produced numerous skilled professionals, researchers, and experts who have made significant contributions to the field.


Moutai Institute is renowned for its specialized departments, covering various areas related to liquor production, quality control, marketing, and cultural heritage. Here are some notable departments within the institute:

  • Department of Liquor Production: This department offers programs in disciplines such as distillation techniques, fermentation processes, and recipe development. It focuses on cultivating students’ knowledge and skills in the art of liquor production.
  • Department of Quality Control: This department focuses on the study of quality control systems, sensory evaluation, and laboratory analysis techniques specific to liquor production. It aims to ensure the consistency and excellence of liquor products.
  • Department of Marketing: This department offers programs in liquor marketing strategies, consumer behavior, and brand management. It focuses on developing students’ understanding of the liquor market and effective marketing techniques.
  • Department of Cultural Heritage: This department focuses on the study and preservation of Chinese liquor culture, including historical research, cultural appreciation, and cultural tourism related to liquor traditions.

These departments represent just a fraction of the diverse academic offerings at Moutai Institute. The institute’s commitment to education, research, and cultural preservation ensures students receive a comprehensive education in their chosen fields.

Courses Offered

Moutai Institute offers a wide variety of courses across its specialized departments, providing students with ample opportunities to study and explore the intricacies of Chinese liquor. Here are some notable courses offered at Moutai Institute:

  • Distillation Techniques: This course focuses on the study of distillation processes, including the principles of heat transfer, vaporization, and condensation. Students learn about the different types of stills, distillation methods, and the impact on flavor profiles.
  • Fermentation Processes: In this course, students delve into the study of fermentation techniques specific to liquor production. They learn about yeast cultivation, fermentation parameters, and the influence of microorganisms on the final product.
  • Liquor Quality Control: This course focuses on the study of quality control systems, including sensory evaluation, laboratory analysis, and compliance with industry standards. Students learn about the assessment of liquor characteristics, detection of impurities, and ensuring consistency in production.
  • Liquor Marketing Strategies: In this course, students explore various aspects of liquor marketing, including market segmentation, branding, and promotional techniques. They learn about consumer behavior, market research, and the development of effective marketing campaigns.
  • Chinese Liquor Culture: This course focuses on the study and appreciation of Chinese liquor culture, including its historical significance, cultural rituals, and traditional customs. Students learn about the role of liquor in Chinese society, its symbolism, and its influence on art and literature.

These courses represent just a fraction of the diverse curriculum available at Moutai Institute. The institute’s commitment to education, research, and cultural preservation ensures students receive a comprehensive education, enabling them to become experts in the field of Chinese liquor.


Moutai Institute, with its dedication to the study of Chinese liquor culture, distillation techniques, and the promotion of responsible alcohol consumption, has established itself as a respected institution in the field of liquor studies. From its establishment in 1987 to its present-day status as a leading institute, Moutai Institute has consistently demonstrated its commitment to advancing knowledge in the field, promoting responsible drinking habits, and contributing to the development of the liquor industry. With its specialized departments and programs, the institute offers a comprehensive academic curriculum that prepares students to become experts in Chinese liquor production, quality control, marketing, and cultural preservation. Students at Moutai Institute have the opportunity to engage in research, gain practical experience through internships and industry collaborations, and contribute to the preservation and promotion of Chinese liquor heritage. The institute’s legacy of excellence and its commitment to education, research, and cultural preservation make it a unique and highly regarded institution.

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